Over 20 years of experience as a certified aromatherapist.
Owner, Beverly Buccheri, is a licensed medical aesthetician and certified aromatherapist with over 20 years of experience.
Beverly has over 900 hours of education at the accredited Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics in Boston and her aromatherapy certification from the Phytotherapy Institute. Her ongoing education led her to work under a board certified facial plastic surgeon.
Through her studies and personal experience, she has come to trust in the power of essential oils to treat her family and clients in a safe, natural manner. Being a mother of two boys, using essential oils has become second nature as coughs, colds, cuts and scrapes are always around!
Raised in Vermont, Beverly has a true appreciation for nature's plants, herbs and botanicals. She is always happy to create a custom blend for any customer.
BC Essentials is dedicated to creating the highest quality all natural healing products. We use only 100% pure essential oils from all over the world. Our products are all hand blended and packaged carefully for your satisfaction. BC Essentials has expanded its product line from blended oils to bath salts, sugar scrubs, body lotions, eye pillows, and aromatherapy favors.

Why Choose BC Essentials Products